Payment Instructions
You need to register an account before placing an order!
I. Search for Products
After logging in, you can search for products by:
- Method 1: Entering the product keyword in the Search Bar.
- Method 2: Clicking on the Product Categories section.
II. Select Products
Once you find the product, you can:
- Chat: Ask for more details about the product.
- Add to Cart: Add the product to your cart and continue shopping.
- Buy Now: Place your order immediately.
Note: Remember to select the quantity before placing your order.
III. Place Your Order
On the Cart page, you can:
- Click X to remove a product.
- Increase or decrease the product quantity.
IV. Fill in Your Information
Complete all required information > Proceed to Payment Method >
Payment Methods:
- Cash on Delivery
- Bank Transfer
Finalize Your Order